Someone Waiting for You is the second of two novels (with a third on the way) comprising Jerome Ostrov’s World War II saga, When Country Calls. The story begins in August 1936 as Jonathan Sternbloom and his best friend Charlie Brody, both recent graduates of London’s prestigious St Paul’s School, arrive in New York harbor on the RMS Queen Mary. They are headed for Cornell University where they have received scholarships to play soccer. Originally from Hamburg Germany, Jonathan has already experienced many of life’s lows and is sad at leaving his father in London. However, his summer at a kibbutz in Palestine has fortified him spiritually and religiously. As Europe trembles in the face of an increasingly bellicose Hitler, Jonathan finds opportunity in an America which, despite its ongoing anti-Semitism, is still a marvel of acceptance. When war breaks out, Jonathan, now a medical student, enlists as an army medic. Jonathan’s unit, the 95th Evacuation Hospital, sails to Africa on the eve of Operation Husky, the taking of Sicily. There, Jonathan experiences the sadness of war as he tends to the grievous injuries of the wounded. The story then follows Jonathan through the great theaters of the war as he demonstrates skill as a medic while displaying courage on the battlefield. As the fighting grinds on, the world begins to learn of Hitler’s unimaginable atrocities. Among those caught up in the Nazi quest to eradicate European Jewry are Jonathan’s extended Polish family which has been transported to the disease-ridden Warsaw Ghetto and Charlie’s relatives who are living under German occupation in Denmark. Despite tragic loss, both families demonstrate uncommon determination as their destinies converge in yet another country of opportunity, Israel, where they will one day be joined by Jonathan. Jerome Ostrov is a retired attorney and the author of In Ways Unimagined, the predecessor to Someone Waiting for You. In both stories, Jerry has sought to leave his children and grandchildren and readers everywhere with an insight into how different the world was not long ago.