Jewish College Exchange

Finding the right School in the Age of Campus Anti-Zionism

Algemeiner: Williams College Rejects Divestment Proposal, Delivering Blow to Anti-Zionist Student Movement

The school’s Advisory Committee on Shareholder Responsibility (ACSR) has been considering the [divestment] proposal, put forth by a group which calls itself Jews for Justice (JfJ), since January. This month, it produced a report of recommendations that will be forwarded to the Williams College Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees.

In addition to rejecting JfJ’s demand that Williams College divest from weapons manufactures that do business with Israel, ASCR declined to make itself a permanent standing committee and to recommend adopting controversial Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles which have been pushed by far-left groups aiming to use the market as an accelerator of social change.

Read more from the original Algemeiner publication.

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