Jewish College Exchange

Finding the right School in the Age of Campus Anti-Zionism

Algemeiner: Wesleyan University Brokers Deal to End Anti-Israel Encampment, Conceding to Key Demands

According to details of the agreement shared by SJP, no one will be punished for violating school rules to hold the protest, a condition on which the group insisted in its original list of demands. Wesleyan has also agreed to create scholarships for “displaced” Palestinian students, form a working group comprising anti-Zionists which will “review” the possibility of an academic boycott of Israeli institutions, disclose its investments in what SJP called the “military industrial complex” and Israeli companies — a provision of the deal the school has already satisfied —and consider investment recommendations by an anti-Zionist group of students and faculty.

Read more from the original Algemeiner publication.

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