Jewish College Exchange

Finding the right School in the Age of Campus Anti-Zionism

Algemeiner: Pro-Hamas Group at New York University Promotes ‘Armed Struggle’ in New Statement

A pro-Hamas student group operating at New York University has reiterated its support for political violence and terrorism after being censured by the school, heightening concerns that the new academic year will see escalations of extremist activity on the campus.

“Decolonization and abolition are not metaphors. We uphold the right of any oppressed people to resist their oppression, by any means necessary,” the group, which calls itself NYU People’s Solidarity Coalition (NYU PSC), said in a “Statement of Intention.” “Resistance takes many forms, including armed struggle … As members of the NYU PSC, we will not condemn the brave actions of our allies nor will we limit ourselves to resistance through organizational means.”

Read more from the original Algemeiner publication.

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