Jerome Ostrov is a retired attorney and a former member of the National Board of Governors of the American Jewish Committee where he was Vice Chair of the Contemporary Jewish Life Commission. Jerry is the author of three World War II novels, In Ways Unimagined, Someone Waiting for You, and Heroes All, all written as a reminder of the anti-Semitic shadows of the past. Finding the Right School in the Age of Campus Anti-Zionism—Jerry’s college guide and the centerpiece of this website—reflects Jerry’s concern, formulated well before the horrendous events of October 7, 2023, that, under the guise of anti-Israel expression, these same anti-Semitic shadows have reemerged on today’s college campuses.
In Finding the Right School in the Age of Campus Anti-Zionism, Jerry explores in detail the rise of anti-Zionist hostility on campus and provides academic profiles for more than 125 of those schools most popular with Jewish students—most of which he has personally visited—emphasizing the level of anti-Israel sentiment at each institution.
For free answers to your questions, contact Jerry at [email protected].